Thursday, March 25, 2010

March Faults

Can you believe it! Spring is here. Well that is everywhere else in the world but Cedar City. I swear this place is going through menopause, its hot then it snows. PICK A TEMPERATURE!!! But on the bright news summer comes with spring and what comes with summer is no school. And this year Kurt and I are going to Arizona to stay from now until medical school! WOO. I love home and now I get to stay there. Can a girl be more lucky? 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And Timone Was His Name O.

My advice to my self as well as other people is do not buy things unexpectedly. It leads to heartbreak and eventually tears. Last Saturday Kurt and I found ourselves at the Wal-mart in Cedar to buy food. We came back with no food but a little puppy in which we named Timone. Of course we did not think about our actions because number one his is to die for in cuteness plus he is easy to love when he doesn't bite your little finger (poor thing is teething). Now we regret buying him, not because we cant take care of him because its not fair to the little critter that he cant run and frolic outside. So we put him up for sell, we have had some ups and downs and heart breaks of our own. But after a wavering hopeful I think we finally found him a good home where he can play outside more. When the time comes I will cry for my little one but then he wont be mine anymore he will be Odie. Its for the best.