Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ups and Downs

This past weekend Mr. Kurt and I got hitched. Everything went wonderful and the weekend was just short of being amazing. On our way back up to Cedar City. Kurt's '92 Ford Explorer died of a heart attack. We were stranded in the happening place of Boulder City, Nevada. Yes, Lucky us. What is usually just under an 8 hour trip took us a splendid 12 hours to make. It took three cars to take us home. And another downer happened to us that day. Kurt's grandpa Bleak passed away. So keep them in mind while they get ready for the upcoming funeral.

On the bright side of this. Kurt drives a come on...everyone and their gold fish know that they are going to break down sooner or later. So its funny. I laughed. As for Kurt's grandpa. He is now in a place where is body can't hurt him anymore. The family should instead of being sad, rejoice in his departure because he lived a full life and is once more with his savior.

So remember that: When life provides a rainstorm, dance in it because you never know when its going to rain again.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

10 Not So Guilty Pleasures

I have always heard of people having guilty pleasures. This got me thinking, why do the pleasures people have need to be secret or make a person feel guilty. When I think about my supposed "Guilty Pleasures" I think, man everyone should get in on this. But then again mine are a little on the silly side.
1. Popsicle. There is nothing more amazing than a Popsicle. I can have one anytime of year and I still think it is the best thing ever created.
2. Dancing in the rain. Arizona is notorious for having warm weather, thus warm rain. As a native to the place one needs to take full advantage of the few times it rains. And believe me I am not the only one. The options are endless. Anywhere from pure frolicking to retention basin football.
3. Concerts. There is something so wonderful about screaming lyrics with 200+ fans. You feel so apart of something. It is a great feeling that I wouldn't trade for anything.
4. Accomplishing something. I am the worlds biggest procrastinator, hence why I have a blog. But I love the feeling I get when I set out to do something and actually do it.
5. Finding money in your pocket. You know this is awesome, when you are doing laundry and you reach in your pocket and pull out a five dollar bill. Its like bliss.
6. Slow dancing in the kitchen. Lately Kurt and I have been dancing in the most random of places. And its just fun to not care and get wrapped up in it.
7. Secret Service. I love doing something nice for someone and not knowing it was me. Its like my own little secret that I do not need praise for.
8. Growing up. I know that seems like a odd pleasure, but I relish in the fact that my parents are no longer able to take the blame for my mistakes. I now feel like if I mess up that it is okay because I can now learn from it and move on instead of repeating it over and over.
9. Baking. I am a baking queen. I love it and I love feeding people. Its the warm fuzzy feeling I go after when I'm having a bad day. Nothing can cheer me up faster.
10. Being in love. I love knowing that Kurt can handle my crazy corks and take me for as I am. Its a fantastic feeling and even money cannot buy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Skinny

In three days I will become, Mrs. Stapley. Me, the girl that vowed she would never get hitched before the age of 21. Now here I am getting ready to tie the knot. Its crazy how things work out. So here is the Skinny on how Kurt and Kaylyn became:
Kurt sat behind me my freshman year at Southern Utah University. The class happened to be Calculus One. Yes, math can be romantic. So here is the sad part, neither of us remember meeting each other. Sad, yes I know. But as the school year went on we became acquaintances.
Now for the juicy we started dating. Well our first date was an interesting one. Kurt asked me out because my roommate Kadi and I had a bet going. We were trying to see who could get each other a date first. The loser had to wear a dinosaur costume to school. After we both were rejected count less times, Kadi finally got Kurt to ask me on a date. The date was awkward and after that he and I didn't try to date each other. Later I got a boyfriend and he had countless flings (he was a man whore :D).
Fast forward to August of '09. I was in the ELC at SUU. He came up and started talking to me. We had a good little chat then he went to a meeting. That's when things got weird, he started texting me. So I decided to invite him to come play wallie-ball will some friends of mine. Surprisingly he said yes. We played a good game even though my ex was "staring him down" (I personally think that never happened and Kurt just used it as an excuse to talk to me). He then proceeded to ask me out on a date, it which I told him he needed to ask me in person. This resulted in him showing up at my door awkwardly asking me out on a date. Awe cute I know. Anywho, the date was wonderful we went to the county fair and proceeded to be dizzy all night from the rides.
At the end of the night, we had held hands, giggled, and cuddled a little. Kurt thought he was in the clear for the goodnight kiss. He went in and got the response of No. Talk about a good way to end a date right? Yes I am that good. And that was the beginning of our relationship. Since then it as grown. We fell in love really fast and started to plan our lives together. On November eleventh, two thousand and nine he proposed to me, telling me how much he loved me on top of a mountian. And now in three days we are going to be married for time and all eternity in the Mesa, Arizona Temple.
It may sound cheesy but I'm okay with that, but:
I got my knight in shinning armor, and a real fairytale ending to go with him.